Workshops and classes
Upcoming classes:
1 hour breathing techniques for labor and birth (virtual)
1 hour virtual workshop with Stephanie Heintzeler (midwife, lactation consultant IBCLC and birth doula)
Ahhh, breathing! Who knew this is the one thing that will help you deal with your contractions? We will look at various breathing techniques for every stage of your labor. Practice which ones you like so you are prepared for the big day!
$27 per person/couple
Date TBD
3 hour Newborn care and lactation class (in-person)
2pm-5pm at the Prenatal Yoga Center on the UWS
Our Breastfeeding & Newborn Care class helps expecting families become familiar with what to expect once your little one has been born. We will start with the day of your baby’s birth and move forward into your breastfeeding journey and what to expect in the first weeks postpartum.
Sign up here. $249 per person/couple
Schwanger in den USA oder in Planung? Hier erfahrt ihr alles was ihr zur Vorbereitung und zum grossen Tag wissen muesst (German speaking)
Wed, May 14, 2025 8pm-9.30pm
Mon, Sept.8, 2025 8pm-9.30pm
Code NYBABY fuer $10 off
Sign up here.
Erwartest du ein Baby in den USA und bist dir unsicher, was auf dich zukommt? Unser informatives und praxisnahes Webinar begleitet dich auf diesem besonderen Weg und beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Schwangerschaft und Geburt in den USA – alles bequem auf Deutsch!
We offer a combined breastfeeding and newborn care class which will help new families to become familiar with the basics of feeding your infant in the first 6 weeks after birth and how to care for your infant in the first 6 weeks after birth. Partners encouraged to attend! Take this class before you have the baby.
Topics Covered Will Include
- How to make sure your baby is latched on correctly
- How to avoid sore nipples and infections
- How to know if your baby is getting enough milk
- How to avoid common breastfeeding problems
- When to call a specialist and where you can find one
- How to treat the cord
- Understanding normal behavior in your baby, weight gain, appearance and sleep patterns

- Common procedures in the hospital
- How to avoid and treat jaundice
- How to take care of your baby (clothing, bathing, changing diapers etc)
- Newborn red flags
- How your partner can help and bond with baby
- How to see post partum depression signs
- Changes to expect in mom’s body after birth
- Post partum recovery from a vaginal birth or a c-section
- What to eat during post partum weeks
Does your partner know what to do when you give birth? Come to our class to learn together.
Highly recommended. My husband and I took a 4 hour semi-private prenatal childbirth and infant care class with Stephanie yesterday. The class was excellent: well-organized, upbeat, clear, and managed to pack an amazing amount of information in to the time. Stephanie is clearly an expert in all aspects of before/during/after birth and she is also an extremely competent educator. The class was structured and fast-paced, but it was also conversational. With such a small class size, I felt comfortable asking questions and sharing concerns I definitely would not have among a larger group, and I particularly appreciated Stephanie’s direct, confident replies. We took the class as a supplement to a childbirth class at the hospital and now I can’t imagine feeling as well-prepared without Stephanie’s class. She also emailed us several super helpful resources following the class and offered to remain available for follow up questions.