We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.

Doula Trainings

Are you a doula and curious about getting referrals from The NY Baby? Fill out our form here


6 Session Virtual Mentoring Series for New Doulas


Thu, 1/30/2025

Thu, 2/6/2025

Thu, 2/13/2025

Thu, 2,20/2025

Thu, 2/27/2025

Thu, 3/6/2025

Time: 6.30pm-7.45pm

$147 for the whole series.

Sign up here

NY Baby is offering a 6 session mentoring/training series with Stephanie Heintzeler. This is for new birth and postpartum doulas who are not yet certified or newly certified.

Stephanie is a former midwife/birth doula and lactation consultant in NYC who founded the doula-agency “The New York Baby” in 2014.

By the end of the 6 sessions you will have learned about

• How to get your client to hire you

• How to get into networking and build a team of people who you can refer to and who will send you clients

• Doula-boundaries (with clients and scope of practice-boundaries)

• How to lead a prenatal session

• Safe practices for birth support

• Helping a client during labor (communication with medical team, comfort measures for client, pain relief options)

• Medical terms

• How you go about a postpartum visit

• Tackling breastfeeding issues

• Safe practices for a postpartum visit

And much more!

During the calls we will break into small groups to practice client interviews, prenatal sessions, and birth support. Role playing will be a big part!

We will set up a group chat via Signal where everyone can stay in touch with each other in between sessions.

In between our sessions you will have some homework to do which will help you grow your business and doula-knowledge.

During or after our time together you can apply to work with the NY Baby agency for client referrals.

If you have any questions please email stephanie@thenewyorkbaby.com to sign up.

Sign up here for mentoring series



Book a NY Doula workshop today and watch your business grow!


In-person workshop Breathing techniques for labor and birth

Date: TBD

More info and sign up here for breathing technique workshop

Conducting an organized prenatal and postpartum session with your client

Date: TBD

Fee: $15 (free for doulas who are listed on the NY Baby website- use code NYBABY).

What topics should be covered during a prenatal session?

How do I not overwhelm my client with all this information?

Being professional, empathic and organized throughout my time with my client

Helping the best way possible during the postpartum visit(s)without loosing myself

Sign up here

Do’s and dont’s for a client interview

Date: TBD

Fee: $15 (free for doulas who are listed on the NY Baby website- use code NYBABY).

Navigate a virtual meet&greet with a potential client.We will go over some typical client situations, their questions and how to answer them.

1) Learn what clients want to hear in order to hire you!

2) Discover how to look your best during a virtual interview

3) The No.1 thing that will help a client stay engaged with you

4) Typical questions and how to answer them

Sign up here

Supporting medicated births

Date: TBD

Fee: $15 (free for doulas who are listed on the NY Baby website- use code NYBABY).

More than 80% of clients mention that they don’t want an epidural during labor. Many change their mind once they are experiencing contractions. As a doula it is our job to support our client no matter what kind of birth she has. How can we help them when there is an epidural in place? What other interventions might come up with an epidural and how can we avoid a csection? Join NY Baby to learn!

Grow your business

Date: TBD

Join me for our comprehensive workshop on how to become a successful doula! As a former midwife and doula living in NYC, I’m now eager to share my secrets to a filled and a path of joy in my birth work. You can have this success, too!

  • Do you want to get booked 6 months in advance while charging what you are worth for your doula services?
  • Do you want to prove the current reputation wrong that doulas burn out quickly and rarely make a living on being a doula alone?
  • Do you want to learn how to run a doula business rather than being in a 9-5 helping profession that doesn’t pay?
  • Do you want to know how to help your client get the birth they want?

Are you fascinated with birth and supporting MotherBabies and Families?

Would you like to learn skills to support a partner, friend, family or your community?

Do you feel called to study, learn and experience the nourishing sisterhood that becoming a doula will provide?

Are you a nurse or educator that would like to enhance your skills?

Are you ready to use your special gifts, compassion and desire to make a difference in a career that will fulfill you, your soul, and help to change the world?

If you said yes to any of the above, Debra Pascali-Bonaro’s Orgasmic DONA Approved Birth Doula Training will provide you with sessions covering the Introduction to Childbirth and DONA Birth Doula Workshop, two of the requirements to begin your DONA Birth Doula Certification and support you in beginning your doula practice.

The sessions will also include special guest speakers and provide the space and time for more engagement, learning and community .

You will receive an extra bonus session on doula business, a Q & A and extra support in preparing for DONA certification, you’ll feel prepared and empowered to begin supporting your clients as they prepare to give birth.

Doula Trainings

Are you a doula and curious about getting referrals from The NY Baby? Fill out our form here


Lean back and relax, we are finding available Doulas for you!