- Calendar shows the due dates the doula is available for
- Approved by Carrot, Maven, Prodigny etc.
- Spanish speaking (somewhat fluent)
My interest in birth developed from an early age growing up around a very birth-positive family and community. My mother and I spent time on The Farm in late 70s when I was young, my aunt had a homebirth 34 years ago and another was a homebirth midwife. I have always been a doula although it took me some steps to come to it professionally. I’m also a childbirth educator, doula trainer/mentor, and lactation counselor.
In high school, I fell in love with physics and began undergrad in that. I loved it and had an amazing experience in that space. But looking ahead, the careers in physics did not call me. I knew my love of science had to be coupled with the sacred and I started researching midwifery schools. Before I got to midwifery school, I experienced birth for myself and I had two babies in 1998 & 2000. Through that experience, I truly learned the difference between a midwife and a doula and realized it was the emotional, ethereal stratosphere of the doula role that most called me in birth.
I began studying for doula work, attending occasional births of friends, and looking forward to going into birth work full time when the time was right. That call came literally in 2010 when a local homebirth midwife and beloved auntie needed an assistant and pulled me into the work. I later completed a doula training but it was my time with a midwife in my ear at so many amazing births that really taught me the ropes.
As an NYC native, I feel an extra connection to all my NYC doula babies who are also born here.
Doula Extraordinaire, our friend, and overall awesome birthing goddess that actually got us to the hospital (2xs!) just in the nick of time. Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU. We are so ever grateful for the work you do! <3 S,J,O and X!
Sophie N.
M. is simply an excellent Doula!
I chose M. because she’s blunt, knowledgeable, honest, very experienced and clearly loves what she does. I was impressed that she educates using evidence-based research for birth outcomes (oddly rare in a sea of old-wives tales and opinions) and that she’s a real champion of the rights of birthing mothers. All of that aside, when she walked in when I was in labor, THEN I really understood what she does.M. is a highly skilled professional in an unquantifiable business. She will tell you herself that it’s hard to explain what a (good) doula really does, and she’s right. What I can tell you is that from the moment she walked into our home when I was in labor, my husband and I transferred all the ‘what is happening, what should we do’ stress to her, allowing us to relax and for me to labor. She advised us when it made sense to go to the hospital and provided me with so much support during labor and birth. She knows exactly what you need before you even realize it, from massage, to water, to gently silencing an overly chatty nurse, but it’s so much more than all of that. With M. you feel safe in the middle of an intense experience, you know she’s seeing everything that’s happening and is working for you to be ok. My OB knows and respects M. and M. was hugely respectful of the medical staff. As a result, I never doubted my care and had a better birth experience than I’d even hoped for which is unfortunately not always the case for many women.M. came back 3 days post-partum and helped with breast-feeding when I was struggling, accurately diagnosing a tongue-tie and recommending a doctor, and answered a few frantic new mother texts. Just knowing she was there in those twilight-zone first weeks was of huge comfort to me.If you’re deciding whether or not to use a Doula, I can’t stress enough that you absolutely should. If you want the best, get M.

St. Luke’s Roosevelt/Mt. SinaiDear M.,
This is a long overdue note to thank you for your amazing support during my very challenging labor. As the months pass, the memory of the pitocin and all the less pleasant aspects fades, but the memory of your encouraging words, your soothing touch and your comforting presence remains strong in my mind. So, thank you, thank and gracias from the bottom of my heart. I’m so glad you were one of the first people to welcome Santiago into the world.
All my best, Anna

Madrid P.
M. was perfect for us. Her calm demeanor and willingness to go above and beyond made her a great person to accompany us on our birthing journey. She also took some amazing pictures at our request.
P K.
M. is an absolutely amazing doula and we were lucky to have her with us during my labor and delivery. She is dedicated, very knowledgeable, and one of the most zen people I’ve ever met. This combination is what you’re looking for when labor kicks in! Most impressive was that literally everyone knew her at Mt. Sinai where I delivered, and someone I didn’t know even stopped me in the hall mid-labor saying I was in good hands since M. was my doula. My husband, mother, and I have nothing but glowing things to say about her.My advice? Book her as your doula ASAP since she is in high demand!
Erica R.
I can only say if/when I am pregnant with a second child, I’d first tell my husband, then our parents, and then M. (hoping she’d serve as doula again). I come from a family of long labors and I myself had a whopping 52 hour ordeal, no drugs, with labor at home, at the hospital, and at a nearby hotel. I think about this long hard labor as a beautiful experience in large part because the birth team was incredible and M. was at its core. She is calm, authoritative, unflappable, and steady. Those reserves and certainties were, for me and my husband, extraordinary blessings, especially our first time through this process. M. was also the most helpful person for explaining breast-feeding and her postpartum visit did far more for me than the lactation consultancy received in the hospital. Incredible…simply an extraordinary human doing beautiful work.I felt honored throughout and welcomed to the tribe of motherhood by one of it’s most shining examples.

St. Luke’s Roosevelt/Mt. SinaiHi M.,Now that our pregnancy journey has ended and our new journey as parents has begun, we wanted to send you a thank you note for everything that you did and for being part of this experience with us.You were such an important part of our labor and delivery, from the call late on Wednesday night to the moment I was taken into surgery late on Thursday. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to see you standing in the emergency room when we first arrived, and to have you by my side literally through every minute of labor! You have a calming presence that was such a blessing throughout the entire night and day.I learned that having a doula (specifically you!) was one of the best decisions we could have made to bring Chloé into this world. Because this was such a positive experience despite many many unexpected turns the day of, I will be telling any expecting friends that they need to add a doula to their team as soon as possible! If they’re in NYC, I will be telling them to get the best, you!Hope you take care, and thank you again from the bottoms of our hearts.With love,
Stephanie, Abhi, and Chloé
Kyla K.
My husband says this was the best money he ever spent. A labor that lasted from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday dawn, with no drugs and no needless interventions was made possible by M.’s experienced and wise walk through the challenge. I’ve recommended her to everyone, and all that have had her by their sides at birth have been thrilled. She gives more than one imagines possible, and honors whatever experience each woman chooses. You don’t have to be a Ina Mae devotee to work with her. I’m lucky to call her a sister after her loving, capable support!
Heidi S.
I wanted to work with a doula who could help me labor with this first baby, and even more importantly, help my husband, help me, during labor. M. is a straight-shooter: no fuzzie wuzzies. But she is very kind, has a great sense of humor, knows a lot about area hospitals (which was very useful in terms of envisioning process upon arrival, etc) and met my nearly violent labor with exactly the level of intense care that was warranted. And she taught my husband how to be with me and carry me through each wave of contraction. M. is non-judgmental, insisting that every birth is different, and that there is no one right or better way to birth a baby. Each circumstance is unique, and informed primarily by the goals of the laboring woman, and then of course, by her baby and her body. M.’s lactation advice also really helped me get a better latch, and thus a better nursing relationship with my baby.
Two months later, I want to add in particular that M. was very persistent in monitoring my baby’s heart rate during labor, making sure that the rate was always available to the hospital staff, which was trickier than one would think: the monitor kept slipping, and the baby kept moving, and so the rate was a shifting target. But without adequate knowledge of a calm heart rate in my baby, the hospital staff might have increased intervention. So – I am grateful to M. for working with such diligence to make my little girl’s heart rate totally obvious to the hospital staff.

Mountainside Hospital, NJ
A note from Laila’s mom:
Six months ago, M. held me, walked me, propped me, hydrated me, guided me and ran everything when our midwife was not around. I got this little girl out of the deal… not bad I say. Not bad at all. Thank you to one awesome doula!

Lenameer G.
M. came to us highly recommended, and as soon as we met her, we knew that we didn’t have to interview other doulas. She helped us with each stage of the pregnancy: assisting us in our preparations for birth, being a calming and reassuring presence when I went into labor, and supporting us after birth as well. I’ll always remember how well she was able to alleviate my back pain during labor, and how she knew what to say when my doubts arose. She took the time to really get to know me and my family by coming to our baby shower and even hosting a picnic for the babies’ families that she was the doula for. It really felt like she became part of our community and not just someone we hired to help me give birth. She’s dedicated, reliable, experienced and loves what she does. It really doesn’t get better than this!
Born at homeDear M.,
Where do I even begin–to thank you for the invaluable support, guidance and love you’ve shown me over the past month I had high hopes for what a doula could help us with–& you have surpassed all those expectations & hopes. I’m so grateful to have had your calm, centering energy at Kavi’s birth & for helping me to stay focused and grounded through a really intense experience. But most of all, I’m so grateful for the amazing gift of being able to breastfeed my child. I was such a hope of mine and for so long it felt like a crazy pie in the sky hope– and I knew I could never have gotten here without you! Thank you for sharing information for literally sitting with me for hours as we practiced the same repetitive motions ;), for helping me trust my body, baby & instincts, and also for listening to, validating & soothing all my fears (even the irrational ones!) Every day I breastfeed Kavi is another day I give thanks for meeting you & having had the chance to work together. Thank you from the bottom of all of hearts! Thanks & love always, Shreya

Methodist Medical Center, Brooklyn
I was so grateful to have M. by my side once again for the birth of my daughter, Avery. M. was my doula for the birth of my son as well, 2 years ago, and I know it was thanks to her that I had the birth experience I wanted with him. When we found out we were pregnant with baby #2, I knew I wanted M. to be my doula again. A part of me thought, “you don’t need a doula this time around. You’ve already had a baby, so you know what to expect”. HA! So not true! It ended up being such a different experience from the birth of my first baby, from beginning to end,
and having M. there to support me through the entire experience was a God-send. I can’t recommend her highly enough, even for subsequent pregnancies, and my husband agrees!(Avery’s brother is Owen, a few scrolls down the page)
4.2.14 @ Beth Israel
Words cannot describe how happy we are that we had M. as our Doula for our first childbirth experience. When it was crunch time for us, we found her many years of experience, her knowledge of hospital protocols and her calming spirit to be extremely valuable. She is excellent!!! During the many decision points of our labor process M. helped us to slow things down so that we felt in control (even though our baby girl was really calling the shots). We felt informed and empowered every step of the way. She is the ultimate professional and has a wealth of knowledge and perspective on the birthing process. We loved the fact that she is extremely tech savvy and could share her research and her own personal points of view on various birthing topics via her website and her G files and folders. We also loved the ability to communicate with her ‘on-the-go’ with a quick text message. She always responded promptly to our questions before and after delivery. M. was also extremely helpful to us after the delivery of our baby girl. She was an amazing coach and helped us get on track with breastfeeding. This was more challenging then we could have ever imagined. In the beginning it was stressful but M. spent hours with us on a Sunday evening until we got it right. She went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure we had the birth experience we wanted. We are grateful for her patience, dedication and commitment. She is truly a special person, has the ‘right touch’ and is a brilliant master of her craft. We are blessed to have connected with her during such a special time in our lives.

Bucklin Solvei
When planning for my delivery I questioned whether or not I wanted to use a doula. In retrospect I don’t know how I would’ve coped as I did without M. She arrived when I was already in active labor since she was filling in for our doula. My experience improved drastically upon her arrival. The comforting efforts of my husband became so much more effective once M. arrived and I was able to make it through to full dilation without any drugs. M.’s guiding presence permeated the whole birth experience yet she didn’t have a heavy handed approach.When later in the delivery various interventions were deemed necessary by my doctor for the baby’s health it was extremely comforting to have M. there to provide a trusted and experienced perspective.
St. Luke’s RooseveltA note from Sawyer’s mom:
As a first time mother, I took two different childbirth classes, a breast-feeding class, an infant care class and infant CPR. Thank goodness I didn’t stop there. Having a baby is a live-action event, where unexpected things happen – things that don’t get covered in class, things that you won’t have time to look up in a book. Out of everything, including the doctors and the hospital I choose, having M. as a guide and support was the single best decision I made for myself and my baby.She was indispensable during the 60 hours in which I was in active labor: She traveled with my husband and I as we made multiple trips to the hospital. She offered pain relieving techniques. She translated the medical information I was receiving into information I could readily understand. Her help also allowed my husband to get a small bit of needed rest during our long ordeal. Without her support, I would have asked for an epidural sooner, increasing the likelihood of a c-section. (I waited 40 hours before making this decision.)As much as I relied on M. during labor, I actually needed her even more for navigating postpartum complications. The hospital nurses kept telling me I was doing a great job breast feeding, but by my first day at home I was bleeding from my nipples. If not for M., I may have given up and resorted to formula feeding. She very patiently helped my baby and I to correct our “bad latch.” She has also been instrumental in navigating questions about pacifiers, breast-pumps, supplemental bottle-feeding, co-sleeping and all kinds of other real and evolving issues in the life of a mother and newborn. With her help, my baby is well-fed and everyone in my house is getting enough sleep.Thank you, thank you, thank you, M.!
M. was instrumental in helping us achieve exactly the birth experience we wanted. Her advice before, her support during and her (brilliant) lactation help after our son’s birth were all spot on. We are so thankful to M. for her kindness and expertise. If we are lucky enough to have another baby we hope M.will be with us again.
– Miriam, Jimmy and baby Graham born at Cornell

@ Methodist, Park Slope.I’m a new mother to a sweet little girl and decided to work with a doula. Being a single parent, I was very concerned about having a strong support system for labor and delivery. When I met M., I immediately felt that she’d be a good person for me and my situation. She’s smart, extremely knowledgeable and was a real comfort during the entire process. Even when my birth didn’t go according to plan, M. was very flexible and was excellent at calming any fear or anxiety I had. I’m so grateful she was there during the most important day of my life.
@ St. Luke’s Mt Sinai Roosevelt
M. was invaluable in providing us with care and comfort through the ups and downs we experienced as first time parents to- be. We were empowered with the knowledge she shared with us during our prenatal visits, throughout labor and delivery, and postpartum. Her poise and confidence was a grounding presence in what seemed like a whirlwind of a labor. Also, I was able to overcome early breastfeeding challenges with her expertise and encouragement. We are beyond grateful to have had M. by our side.

@NYUA note from Tova’s mom:
In the beginning of my pregnancy, my husband and I were skeptical about the need for a Doula. We were hesitant to spend any of the small amount of disposable income that we have on something that was not absolutely “necessary”. After encouragement from our birthing instructor, and sage words of advice from relatives that childbirth was not a time to be frugal we decided to start interviewing Doulas. We feel very very lucky to have met M. Campbell. M. is confident, compassionate, and highly knowledgeable about the entire process of giving birth. We have remarked several times since our delivery how M. truly was a godsend, and how we feel like it was the best money we ever spent!From the beginning of my pregnancy, our goal was to have a natural childbirth, with as little medical intervention as possible. This was slightly complicated by the fact that I tested positive for the group b strep virus. With M.’s help, we were able to have exactly the experience that we wanted to have, and I was able to give birth to a beautiful daughter without any medical interventions or drugs. That being said, it was also very comforting to know that M.’s broad range of experience, and nonjudgmental personality would have helped guide me through the process had it been necessary to go in a different direction. It was clear from the start that M.’s agenda, first and foremost, was to make sure that we had a healthy baby, and this was a great comfort.In addition to being a great source of support to me, M. was also a tremendous help to my husband. M.’s presence allowed my husband to be more present and relaxed throughout the process of labor and delivery. She worked seamlessly with the staff at NYU, and it was clear that the nurses and doctors there held her in high regard.We had two prenatal meetings and she also visited us shortly after our daughter was born, and provided very helpful information on breast-feeding and infant care. She has remained available to us to answer late night questions about engorged breasts, diaper rashes, and other miscellaneous child care questions.We highly recommend M., and would be happy to speak about our experience with any prospective clients who have questions.
Mt. Sinai West St. Luke’s Roosevelt
A note from Sierra’s dad:
“I’ve worked with many talented people across industries and I can say with confidence that M. does her job better than nearly anyone I’ve ever met. I sincerely believe that she significantly reduced the risk of complications during labor and birth. She did that by helping both me and my wife relax in the midst of intensity, giving us a clear and very detailed idea of what was coming, by proving a calm presence in extremely challenging times, and by telling us how to understand and communicate with the medical staff, among other things. Even in the months before birth, we felt more relaxed knowing that whatever happened, M. would be there. After working with M., I actually feel that I understand the word ’emotional support’ in a whole new way.””Of all the things we spent money on pre-birth, my wife and I agree that M. was by far the best value for dollar. We were laughing at what value she provided as compared to much more minor things like a private room, pre-pregnancy classes, etc.”
@ Mt Sinai West

Ari Dillon
@Weill CornellHi M.,
Ten weeks into parenthood and I’d be remiss if not to thank you again for all your help in preparing us for and supporting us during labor and delivery. Your presence took a lot of pressure off our shoulders–it allowed us to enjoy the journey without worrying about the figurative roadmap constantly! To all of our friends who are now thinking about starting a family, we say, “Get a doula!”

DaVinci & RubyAnn
born at home
Beth Israel

Born at home
Anayansi’s older brother Gibran is about two years
down on this page.

NYUM. is smart and funny. She knows when it is time to laugh and when it is time to be the still point of utter reassurance in a spinning room.When I had to be induced on about six hours notice, she was there immediately, helping us create, in the hospital room, the intimate, loving and brave experience of “flow” with labor that we’d hoped to have at home. Before labor, she helped me come to valuable clarity about how to hold hopes for a VBAC without fixating on it … and she was a joyful part of the process of that hoped-for delivery when it happened. For moms getting ready for a second child, she is indispensable before and after, in the post-partum period, when the new family is taking shape. We love M.. That’s the simple truth.

St. Lukes Roosevelt Birthing Center
M. was the most wonderful and knowledgable doula! I am so glad that she was there to help us through the days approaching Eva’s birth, the birth itself, and once we got home with our new baby girl. Our prenatal visits were calming and reassuring, while providing important information for both my husband and I. Tips and tricks she came equipped with helped progress labor, and her strong, reliable presence was a most needed crutch during the birth. Once we brought Eva home, we were in a bit of a frenzy over nursing, and her guidance and wise words were honestly invaluable. I’m not sure I could’ve had the natural birthing experience I wanted, were it not for my amazing doula, and I hope to have her around for the birth of all my children.

Mt. Sinai West
St. Luke’s Roosevelt
Simone & Willow
• Mt. Sinai West

Pia Elsa
Presbyterian Methodist Hospital BrooklynA letter from Pia’s mom:Dear M.,
Pete and I wanted to share this photo of Pia with you – and also to give you a small thank you gift or all of your wonderful support during the birth of our daughter. We both say that we couldn’t have done it without you! Your calm presence and warm energy were so important to us having an easy labor — it was long — but never felt overwhelming. And your help with breastfeeding after Pia was born has also been invaluable.

Maimonides Medical Center
Brooklyn, NY

Presbyterian Methodist HospitalA letter from Owen’s mom:
There are no words to express how lucky I feel to have found M.. I knew I wanted a natural childbirth, but I was afraid of the pain, and doubted that I’d be able to do it. From the very start, M.’s energy and presence gave me the confidence I needed. Her approach is gentle, compassionate, and empowering. She took the time to get to know my husband and I and talk about our birth plan and preferences, and I could tell it was important to her to be able to support us in having the birth experience that we wanted.When I went into labor and called M., she came right over and stayed with us through the entire labor and delivery and for several hours afterwards. I’m absolutely certain that having her by my side was what enabled me to keep going, even when it felt really hard. She knew just what to say and what to do to keep me calm, to reassure me, and to guide my husband and I through this incredible, life-changing experience. I am truly grateful that we met her and hired her as our doula. Thanks to her, I was able to realize my goal and dream of natural childbirth, and on the other side of it, I discovered the strong, powerful, loving Mom inside of me, who was born at the very same time as my son. What a gift! Thank you M., you are wonderful!!

Mt. Sinai West

Jonah Paul
Lenox Hill Hospital

Theresa & Josephine
St. Vincents Medical Center
ConnecticutTheir big brother is pictured below and their baby #4 was born with me too!

St. Vincents Medical Center
Birthing Center
Thomas Gabriel Lennox Hill Hospital

Beth Israel Medical Center

Charlotte EllaMaimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYA letter from Charlotte’s mom:Darling M., THANK YOU so much for your beautiful presence & support throughout our birth. We COULD NOT have done it without you!! Your spirit is so lovely – such a blessing!!
All our love … xoxo
Mom, Dad & Charlotte
Born at home.

Born at home”Without M.’s expertise, Steve and I would have been losing our minds but she made us feel safe and ok and helped bring him into this world gently, with love.”

Mt. Sinai Medical Center
A letter from Marcus’ mom:
As a neonatologist in training, I have attended many births for my job, but had never gone through the experience myself. I actually wasn’t even certain what a doula actually did prior to this experience, but decided to hire one at my OB’s suggestion.
Meeting and hiring M. was the best birthing decision I could have ever made! I can’t imagine the process without her. She had an extremely knowledgeable, calming, nurturing and supportive demeanor with both me and my husband, that made the labor and birthing process MUCH less stressful. I can honestly say that she was the glue that brought everything together that day– and now we have a beautiful healthy baby boy to show for it!
Mai was also very helpful post-partum with parental advice and lactation help. I am now able to breastfeed my son completely pain free, which was NOT the case a few weeks ago. I will be recommending M. to all my pregnant friends and strongly encourage people reading this to contact her– it will change your birthing experience!

Mount Sinai West
Postpartum client

Beth Israel Medical CenterA letter from Xiomara’s mom:
When my boyfriend and I met M. at one of our Centering Pregnancy groups, we clicked and horded her time right away! She was down to earth, real, and very supportive. After choosing her as our doula we got right into activities to help us realize what it is to give birth and be in the transition from a couple to a family. Along the way we realized that all our research and knowledge, though it wasn’t for nothing, was a false net at the bottom of our trapeeze act. Everything we planned for was flipped on its head and had it not been for M. we would’ve been more upset at the fact that we didn’t go “according to plan” instead of reveling in the fact that my daughter was being brought into the world in a beautiful and healthy manner. My birth experience was my own because M. was there to help me realize it. She is a phenomenal doula and I hope many future parents get to enjoy her services!

NYU Langone Medical Center

GibranPostpartum & Breastfeeding support client.I was not at Gibran’s birth, I met him and family after 7 weeks postpartum and helped him nurse for the first time. His big sister Anayansi is also on this page.

January 11, 2011
Born at home

December 1, 2010
Beth Isreal Medical CenterA letter from Holly’s Mom:I have only wonderful things to say about Maiysha. She’s someone for whom being a doula is obviously a life calling – she’s that good at it, really. She is calm, compassionate, and I have no idea how she did it, but she knew exactly what to do/say throughout a very long labor. My husband is just as enthusiastic about her as I am. This was baby number one for me and the whole thing seemed like a big unknown to me – I didn’t know what a doula really did in practice, and even though I knew I wanted one, I went into it not completely understanding her role.It turns out it was the best thing I could have done to a) get a doula and b) get Maiysha. She was very understanding of my preferences, it was all about my choices and comfort, and with her and Jamie (my husband) I felt super well surrounded. Her style, in a nutshell, is: calm, soothing; thinking about all the things you won’t think about (like making sure you drink, having lipbalm! etc…), helping you negotiate the harder moments, making you feel like you can do it, gosh, words fail me to describe that lady! I know it’s all about feeling and personalities, but from me you’ll only get a glowing review of her work.
Hope this helps and congratulations!

November 20th, 2010,
Presbyterian Downtown aka LOMA

November 3, 2010
Beth Israel Medical Center