We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.


Dezember 18, 2014

Why hire a Doula?

Being pregnant brings a lot of questions and new expenses- so why think of even more expenses like hiring a Doula? Because hiring a Doula will […]
Dezember 18, 2014

Choosing the right childbirth class

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Alongside with the preparations for the baby you might be thinking about booking a childbirth class. Or not? Some dads-to-be are worried […]
Dezember 18, 2014

Did you know these 10 things about Breastfeeding ?

10 things you might not have heard about breastfeeding 1) Breastmilk has the highest amount in fat in the afternoon. In the morning the amount is higher […]
Dezember 18, 2014

5 questions to ask your OB/GYN early on in your pregnancy

Many pregnant women are pretty happy with their obstetrician- until it comes to giving birth. Once it’s getting to the “birth talk” around 36 weeks some […]
Dezember 13, 2014

Video: Anzeichen der Geburt

Mai 29, 2013

Wie laeuft eine Geburt in New York ab?

Meine erste Geburt als Doula in New York habe ich 2006 begleitet. Das Ehepaar kam aus Oesterreich und lebte in der Naehe von NYU, in dem […]
Mai 29, 2013

5 Mythen zum Thema Geburt

1. Natuerliche Geburt – vaginale Geburt? Eine natuerliche Geburt ist- wie der Begriff bereits sagt- eine Geburt ohne Interventionen. Keine Schmerzmittel, keine Einleitung, kein Kaiserschnitt usw. […]
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