We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.


Dezember 30, 2016

Birth & Siblings: Issues Parents Face When Bringing a New Baby Home to Older Siblings

Routine – change of the old routine and creating a new routine for the newborn – is commonly the biggest issue parents face when bringing a […]
September 20, 2016

The Most Helpful Topic Discussed in a Childbirth Class

The most helpful topic discussed in a childbirth class is how to labor at home. Learning to differentiate what is labor and what is not and […]
Juli 25, 2016


What is the best exercise plan for pregnant women? The best plan would be to do a mix of flexibility, strength and cardio to keep your […]
April 27, 2016

Birth After C-Section

Why did the first caesarian delivery happen? Knowing this, may determine the outcome of the next delivery. For a vaginal delivery, the following should be present: […]
März 29, 2016

Top 3 Ways To Catch Enough Sleep After Your Baby Is Born

The first thing is to get help. Really plan ahead and see who can help you with the household – maybe with cooking, getting groceries. Remember […]
September 7, 2015

10 Things Expectant Dads Should Avoid During Labor

Working as The New York Doula for over a decade, I’ve seen quite a few dads-to-be become totally overwhelmed and unprepared leading up to childbirth. Although […]
Dezember 18, 2014

Questions to ask your Doula

Once you have decided that you’d like to work with a Doula here is a list for you on what to ask her: How long have […]
Dezember 18, 2014

Creating a birth plan

Once you are getting closer to your due date and maybe after you have taken a childbirth class let’s see if you can create a birth […]
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