We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.
Being pregnant brings a lot of questions and new expenses- so why think of even more expenses like hiring a Doula? Because hiring a Doula will eventually lower all other expenses plus make your birth a much better one. Why? Here are the statistics:
Having a Doula by your side during your birth will:
Having given the statistics, a Doula will:
Nurses have many other responsibilities other than you. Aside from helping care for you, the nurse is communicating with your care provider, taking care of other patients, documenting care, taking breaks, and taking care of other responsibilities. A nurse’s support ends when her shift does. The doula only has one obligation the whole time she is with you—and that is YOU!
Sometimes people think that they don’t need a doula because their partner will be with them continuously throughout labor. Your partner is an essential support person for you to have by your side. However, your partner will need to eat, sleep and use the bathroom at times. Also, most partners have limited knowledge about birth, medical procedures, or what goes on in a hospital. Doulas and partners can work together to make up a labor support team.
I have been working as a midwife for 10 years before going into “Doula-ing” and after 1300 births I can really see the difference that it makes when parents have continuous support during their birth and how they feel when forced with making a decision they can’t make. Unfortunately we do have a 30% c-section rate in this country (sometimes over 40%) and it’s not because those c-sections are necessary but because it’s easy for the birth team to suggest it. If there is no one in the room who can make another suggestion a c-section seems to be inevitable. Doulas are here to give you the right questions to ask and make suggestions so that you always feel supported and empowered.