We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.

December 18, 2014

Did you know these 10 things about Breastfeeding ?

10 things you might not have heard about breastfeeding 1) Breastmilk has the highest amount in fat in the afternoon. In the morning the amount is higher […]
September 20, 2016

The Most Helpful Topic Discussed in a Childbirth Class

The most helpful topic discussed in a childbirth class is how to labor at home. Learning to differentiate what is labor and what is not and […]
March 28, 2019

Keeping Tabs on Cyber Anxiety

Have you heard of the term cyber anxiety? We all know how it goes. Now that you’re pregnant, everyone wants to tell you how it is […]
March 28, 2019

Do You Have Too Much Breastmilk? Donate It To The NY Milk Bank!

While some of you are trying to increase milk supply, others have a true problem: too much breastmilk! While it might not sound like a problem […]

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