Birthing Wellness from Pregnancy to Post-Partum
Our specialized European approach includes everything from Pregnancy to Birth to Post-Partum, providing you and your partner with the compassionate support you need each step of the way.

3 hour Newborn care and lactation class (in-person)
2pm-5pm at the Prenatal Yoga Center on the UWS
Our Breastfeeding & Newborn Care class helps expecting families become familiar with what to expect once your little one has been born. We will start with the day of your baby’s birth and move forward into your breastfeeding journey and what to expect in the first weeks postpartum.
Sign up here. $249 per person/couple
Schwanger in den USA oder in Planung? Hier erfahrt ihr alles was ihr zur Vorbereitung und zum grossen Tag wissen muesst (German speaking)
Wed, May 14, 2025 8pm-9.30pm
Mon, Sept.8, 2025 8pm-9.30pm
Code NYBABY fuer $10 off
Sign up here.
Erwartest du ein Baby in den USA und bist dir unsicher, was auf dich zukommt? Unser informatives und praxisnahes Webinar begleitet dich auf diesem besonderen Weg und beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen rund um Schwangerschaft und Geburt in den USA – alles bequem auf Deutsch!
Anytime with Stephanie Heintzeler (midwife, lactation consultant and doula):
1 hour on-demand lactation workshop with Stephanie Heintzeler (plus pumping 101)
You will learn about your baby’s nursing instincts and how to support them so they know how to latch on properly- and comfortable for you! We will also touch on nutrition, baby care, your baby’s weight gain and trouble shooting common problems.
45 minute On-Demand VBAC workshop (Vaginal birth after Cesarean) led by Stephanie Heintzeler
You’ll figure out if you’d like to go for a VBAC and if so: learn how to maximize your chances of a successful VBAC in our maternity care system, including understanding statistics and evidence-based information options.